3 Feb 2015


Hair: Runaway ~ Nicki Hair

 Booty: [Banned] ~Petite Booty Bag

Boob: Lolas Tango ~Delicq

Eyes: Eyelure ~Liquid Liner/Black

Lips: Glamorize ~Heavy Black Combo/Lips

Bodysuit: BlackHaus ~Sexyness Bodysuit Red

❤ Leggings: Aphrodisiac ~ Leggies - Black :New: Main Store

❤ Crown: {Scene} ~Queen of hearts :Gatcha: @ Streets of Love

❤ Rings: K-Otic ~Springs Rings

Bracelets: Reverie ~Selkies Bangles

Necklace: Red Mint ~Posture V-Collar ~ No.07R

❤ Nails: ZOZ ~ Cascade Hearts Silver Tips @ Suicide Dollz

Pose: Pic 1
Ploom ~Present II - 2
❤ Something New ~ 25L Poses 1 RARE @ Streets of Love
Ploom ~Present II - 1

Pose Pic #2
❤ Something New ~ Play Me A Tune 3 :Gatcha: @ Streets of Love