25 Oct 2014


Hair: Runaway ~Julie Hair

Breasts: Lolas ~Delicq

❤ Booty: BANNED ~Petite

❤ Top: !Lilicious ~Cashmere Sweater Black @ Halloween Fair 
Available in Aubergine Black Bordeaux Brown Crimson Frost Pink Plum tan White

❤ Pants: Aphrodisiac ~Sandstone Leggings

Shoes: Miseria ~ Demona Shoes in Pumpkin (Terrorific Hunt)

❤ Belt: <3Heartistic ~Pop Topz Color 90's Retro

❤ Necklace: Pimp My Sh!t ~Necklace/Flight

Necklace: (red)Mint ~Posture Collar 

Rings:.K-Otic. ~Spring Rings

Nails: Lyla  ~Slink Halloween

Tattoo: Inhale ~Cross #2 (Lips)

Props:  <3Heartistic ~Kawaii Fruities @ kawaii vs creepy
Available with walking kawaii fruit and hug fruits as well as some on the tongue

Eye Makeup: Glamorize ~Drama Black

Eye Makeup: Eyelure ~Liquid Liner/Black

Lips: NerdMonkey ~Victoria Lipgloss Caramel

Ghost: Juxtapose ~The Haunt Pose Prop @ Halloween Fair 
Glitterati ~091
Elisa ~Cologne6 (No longer opened)