30 Sept 2014

Sexy Spook

Hair: Dura ~Boys&Girls*49

Hair Base: Kmadd ~ Music is my life

Breasts: Lolas ~Delicq

❤ Outfit: Envious ~Intrigue 
Shoes/collar/ leg warms/arm warms included 

 Rings: .K-Otic.  ~Springs

Bracelets: Amorous ~You

 Rings: .K-Otic.  ~Spiked Arm

Wings: DirtyStories ~Lost Angel Wings

Tattoo: Eternal Darkness ~Accident Prone

Eye Makeup: Glamorize~Drama Black ~Black

Eye Makeup: Eyelure ~Liquid Liner/Black

Something New ~  Hanging Zombie (Night of the Living Cart Sale + Sim Wide Hunt 
 Oct1st to Oct31st) 

Exposed ~Female Model Pose NNFF 02