1 Sept 2014

Sassy Red Heads

Hair: Damselfly ~Seleste In HAMPTONS @ District 5 ::New::

❤OutfitMOoH! ~Hooded Vest With Pleated Skirt :New&Limited: @ 24²  Sept 5-13
Only 150 To be Sold

Shoes: Envious ~ Courtney Heels (Color change Hud) 

Necklace1: Ecco ~Inverted Cross Necklace

Necklace2: Ecco ~Inverted Cross Pearls Choker

 Rings: Tantalum~ Silver/Black Linked Rings

Nails: ChiMia ~Dragon Nails

Facial Piercing: Cute Poison ~Ova Piercing Part 1

Tattoo: Endless Pain Tattoos ~Lil miss Strange

Eye Makeup: Glamorize~Drama Black ~Black

Eye Makeup: Eyelure ~Liquid Liner/Black

Poses: From Left to Right

Exposeur Poses~Top Model ~McKey1
Something New ~Scattered Hearts 1
Focus Poses ~Jewelry Set 2