10 Apr 2014


Skin: Rehab~ Shelbie 2
Hair: Magika ~Shade
Ears: Mandala ~Steking Ears
Lashes: Eyelure ~Perfect Lash
Hands: Slink ~Casual
Top: Moda ~Music Mania Tee ::(100 Block)::
Texture change hud with 7 colors & 7 different designs 
Shorts: MoDanna ~Mutine Collection~Ripped Shorts ::(100 Block)::
These shorts are awesome!  They come in a ton of colors and options with or without pockets
Boots/Socks: RedMint ~ePunk Boots
Bracelets: Bubble ~Black CuffsV2
HeadPhones: Remarkable Oblivion~Super Bass Rab8 ~Vanilla
Tattoo: Ayrun ~Rosary Angels
MatchStick: Love always ~matchstick(mouth)
Eye Makeup: Glamorize~Drama Black ~Black/Pink

Poses: Elephante poses ~Walk This Way ::(100 Block)::