18 Mar 2014

Check Me Out

Skin: Rehab~ Shelbie 2
Hair: Wasabi Pills ~Donna
Ears: Mandala ~Steking Ears
Lashes: Eyelure ~Perfect Lash❤ 
Feet: Slink ~High
Top:Eyelure ~ PinkCheckMeOut❤ 
Pants: D-Style ~Krave Slim Jeans Female~Grunge Available @ FreeStyle Urban Fashion Fair  (April 1st-April 30th)
Bracelets: Mandala ~7Luck
Nails: Mandala ~Short Nails Sinra2 rings
Rings: Barely Legal ~Spiked Knuckle Beaters ::Gacha Item:: @ Luck of the Irish

Facial Piercing: \\T&R// ~ Skittle Collection~Lime
Chest Piercing: \\T&R// ~ Skittle Collection~Mixed Berry
Belly Piercing: \\T&R// ~ Skittle Collection~Sour Grape
Foot Chain: \\T&R// ~ Bo-Dazzle Foot Chain Available @ FreeStyle Urban Fashion Fair